Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Update from Banena

Hi Everyone, Sorry I haven't been able to update this blog. It has been difficult because I do not have internet access in my village. I will try to update when I can. I have arrived at my host family's home in a small village called Banena. Now I have a Mom, a Dad, 3 sisters, a brother, an Aunt and a cousin. They are all really nice, and helping me learn French and become integrated into Cameroonian culture. I am eating a lot of interesting food and listening to Cameroonian music (when the electricity is working). I have learned a lot of French -- it has been difficult. It can be exhausting, and sometimes my head is swimming. I am also learning about my job as a health coordinator -- how to work with a village to identify their needs and develop a sustainable program they can run when I am gone. I am having fun, except for one trip to the hospital. I had food poisoning, and I have recovered fully. Now, my Cameroonian Mom knows she can not feed me unrefrigerated leftovers. Love, Jessica